Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kindle Giveaway Tour here on Sept. 5

Free Kindles and e-books? What could be better?
The Kindle Giveaway Blog Tour will be stopping here on Sept. 5. Simply comment within one week of the post in order to be eligible for a Kindle DX. You can also enter for a Kindle 3 by subscribing to the Scott's Inner Circle tour newsletter. Be eligible for the Pandora's Box of free e-books (now 71 and growing) by following "hauntedcomputer" on Twitter.

Spread the word. The bigger it gets, the more there is to win!



  1. Scott - I already have a Kindle so I'm not in the contest / giveaway mix.
    Dude - Drummer Boy is freakin' good. I took a shot & I'm really likin' it. You're a helluva storyteller. Dave (aka JaxPop)

  2. Scott, I loved "They Hunger" ... which of your books should I read next? I'm embarrassed to say this but that's the only one of yours books that I've read so far.

  3. Robert, I've only read one or two of them myself. They Hunger actually may be the worst one. I'd go with The Red Church. That's probably my best one! Thanks and let me know what you think.

    Dave, thanks for the kind words--I feel there's a message in Drummer Boy for the right crowd--maybe all us loser misfits in the world. And still enter--Kindles make great Christmas presents!


  4. Yes, Yes, I want the Kindle3. I have tried to post on every blog. Couldn't get Jo Joe's to work.

  5. Hey Scott;

    I'm really enjoying your interviews/blogs on the tour.

    MachineTrooper (Twitter)

    machinetrooper at gmail dot com
