William T. Prince is a full-time corporate security director and part-time writer. A Native Texan, he presently lives near Houston with his wife and twin daughters. In addition to reading and writing, his interests include classical music, fine coffee, premium cigars, and computers. Published in 2008, The Legend of Sasquatch is his first novel. He will publish his second this year.
In this action-packed character novel, Sasquatch is not the mythical creature rumored to haunt the forests of North America. He is a young Texan named Clint Buchanan ("Buck Hannon") who prowls the streets of Dallas in the late 1970s. Clint seems to have it all--size, strength, intelligence, personality, looks, and any woman he wants. Unfortunately a combination of bad choices and bad luck has tragic results. Join this behemoth as he faces the life-changing and character-defining events of his late adolescence with a colorful supporting cast.
Q: What will e-readers like about your book?
I have fashioned a gripping story that is primarily a character study, but which also includes a great deal of realistic action and an interesting romance to boot. It is difficult to put down, and many readers report completing it in one sitting. It is gritty and intended for mature readers, but it appeals to men and women equally. My characters are complicated, imperfect, and compelling.
Q: Why did you go indie?
The traditional publishing industry is virtually closed. A writer can't get published without a good agent, and he or she can't get a good agent without having been published. By the time I got around to writing my first novel, I was too old to try to get published the old-fashioned way. I didn't have years to beat my head against a wall and hope that I got lucky, so I decided to publish my book myself. Today's technology makes print-on-demand a viable alternative for getting a "dead-tree book" on the market, and e-book publishing is a piece of cake. I was able to cover both bases with minimal investment, and I have complete control of my work and hold all copyrights.
Q: Who are your favorite authors in your genre?
Russell Banks and John Irving
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Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/12007
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