Friday, July 1, 2011

Dreams Unleashed - Linda Hawley

Q:  What will eReaders like about your book?  It is easy to read, formatted correctly, and flows well with the plot and characters strong.
Q:  Why did you go Indie?  Four Reasons:  1) Since my book is set in the future, it's time-sensitive, and I simply cannot wait a year for it to be published.  The clock is ticking.  2) I didn't want to do a physical book tour.  I had a long career in sales and marketing where I was a "road warrior."  After many years of that, I have absolutely no desire to ever do it again--even if it's a book tour.  I'll take that book tour time and write a very good second novel in the trilogy.  3) I wanted to own the Copyright:  I see this not only as right (considering that I put my heart and soul into writing these novels), but I see it as an endowment for my children.  I am particularly affected by being the perpetual owner of my own copyright.  4) Profits:  This is a no-brainer, Indie wins.

Q:  Who are your favorite authors?  I have so many favorite authors, in my genre and out.  My top 5 are:  Dan Brown (excellent plot development), Stieg Larsson (excellent character development), Diana Gabaldon (making the past come alive), Nicholas Sparks (for the heart), Emily Dickinson (her descriptions are inspiring).

Dreams Unleashed Synopsis:
It’s the future year of 2015, where technology governs life.  No one on the globe is free from being tracked through government RFID.  The worldwide underground organization, GOG, is the one group equipped to fight against citizens’ loss of privacy.  Ann Torgeson is a technical writer working for a tidal energy company—living a seemingly normal life in the Pacific Northwest—when her vivid dreams turn real.  Is her training as a paranormal CIA agent when she was only nineteen years old now altering the doorway between her subconscious and reality?  When Ann starts to dig into her past, her present begins to unravel, leading the reader through events that twist and turn everything upside down.  It's the not-so-distant future, and question everything you know is the theme of Dreams Unleashed, book one of this paranormal trilogy.

If you have me as a guest on your blog (live interview/email interview/guest blogging), your followers can enter to win a signed (print or eBook) during the week I am your guest. 

You can get a sample of Dreams Unleashed here

Title: Dreams Unleashed
Release Date: May 20, 2011
Author: Linda Hawley
Published by: Nouveau Publishing Company
Genre:  Paranormal/Thriller
Cost: $2.99 (digital formats) (paper copies not yet priced)
Availability: Available in eBook format at most online book retailers.

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